
Research on programming, algorithms and data structures

Research and work in programming and system engineering management AI and social games, natural language processing, writing novels as an unreliable narrator For career development, learn from the basics of programming languages such as Python, Ruby, C, Go, and Java at free online schools. Master, learn machine learning theory by reading, apply it to programming, create more and more, work remotely, do gymnastics when you get tired, accumulate every day, and find your aptitude and interest in sociology and industry trend companies. I would like to develop my career while consulting with my needs, and use the theories that I have learned through my work and hobbies to appeal to companies and clients so that I can acquire the next job and continue to evolve. Research on programming, algorithms and data structures Implements Go, Ruby, Python3, Java and his C programs using data structures and algorithms with explanations sort linear search (going through the data in order) Binary search (examine which group the data belongs to) Breadth-first search (looks up in order from nearest) Depth-first search (examines all patterns and terminates the search if the conditions are not met) Sorting (Array, Algorithm, Bubble) Algorithms, data structures, and programming research using Java, Ruby, Python3, Go, and C Linear search (walking through the data in order) Binary search (find which group the data belongs to) Breadth-first search (search from nearest to first) depth-first search (examine all patterns and terminate search if condition is not met) Sorting (Array, Algorithm, Bubble), ----- bitmask (bit manipulation, setting, cs3232), ----- linked list (strack, column, double, deque), ----- binary heap (priority queue, cs2040), ----- hash table (open address, linear, quadratic), ----- binary search tree (adelson velsii Lanis, set, table), ----- graph structure (tree, complete, bipartite, dag), ----- Union search DS (path compression, disjoint, set), ----- Fenwick tree/DAG (dynamic programming, dp), ----- segment tree (dynamic, _range, _sum, _min), __---- recursion tree/DA (dynamic programming, dp), ----- graph traverse set (bfs, dfs, cs2040, bipatite), ----- Minimum spanning tree (mst, prim, kruskal, graph), ----- SS shortest path (sssp, single source, bfs), ----- Cycle search (Floyd, Tortoise, Number), ----- suffix tree (string, match, lrs, lrs), ----- suffix array (lcp, cs3233, match, lrs), ----- Geometry (polygon), (convex, cut, winding, concave), ----- Convex Hull (Andrew, Monotone Chain, Graham), ----- network flow (max flow, edmonds carp, min cut), ----- graph matching (extended path, bipartite, graph), ----- minimal vertex cover (np hard, graph, bipartite, tree), ----- Traveling Salesman (np-hard, graph, dp, mst), ----- Steiner tree (np hard, graph, mst, cs4232), ----- Illustrated implementation of Go, Ruby, Python3, Java, and C programs using these data structures and algorithms Research Subjects: Logic, history, crowd psychology Research details Poets, Myths and Deep Psychology, History, Religion, Science, Consideration of Gustave Lebon's "Psychology of Crowds" and Futurism, Literary Rhetoric, Psychopathology, Literature of an Unreliable Narrator, William Faulkner's "Sound" and anger”, mentally disturbed narrators, child narrators, deceiving narrators, Edogawa Ranpo’s “The Demon of the Solitary Island”, Agatha Christie’s “Akroyd Killer”, rumors and conspiracy theories, etc. Research achievements Experience presenting at academic conferences Details of research achievements Research Subjects: Sociology, crowd psychology, historical research Social Science and Shamanism, Criminology, Psychopathology, Jews and Nazis, Dadaism and Degenerate Art, Hitler and Crowd Psychology, Napoleon and Crowd Psychology, Tusale Lombroso's Criminology and "The Man of Genius" and "Degenerative Symptoms" and " Degenerative symptoms and madness symptoms, genius and anthropomorphism and shamanism and religious practitioners (Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle, Mozart, Dante, degenerative symptoms and altered states of consciousness, trance-initiating states), ekahenalism, and cold reading ( narrative and observation), epic poetry from ancient times to the Middle Ages and modern times (Iliad, Epic of Gilgamesh, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Steinbeck of the Grapes of Wrath, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Tale of Genji, Kojiki, Nihon Shoki, Labor and Days, Nibelungen) Treasure) and propaganda (information warfare, psychological warfare, propaganda warfare, influence of public opinion) and the Catholic Church's Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (current Evangelical Ministry, Latin propagare, breeding, sowing), etc. and published research on the relationship between modern social structure and radio broadcasting.









社会科学とシャーマニズム、犯罪学、精神病理学、ユダヤ人とナチス、ダダイズムと退廃芸術、ヒトラーと群衆心理、ナポレオンと群衆心理、チューザレ・ロンブローゾの犯罪学と「天才の男」と「変性症状」と「退化症状」と「狂気の症状」、天才と擬人化とシャーマニズムと宗教的職能者(シェイクスピア、プラトン、アリストテレス、モーツァルト、ダンテ、変性症状と変性意識状態、トランス入神状態)とエカヘナリズム、コールド・リーディング(話術と観察法)、古代から中世と現代までの叙事詩(イーリアス、ギルガメッシュ叙事詩、ラーマーヤナ、マハーバーラタ、怒りの葡萄スタインベック、ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険、源氏物語、古事記、日本書紀、労働と日々、ニーベルンゲンの宝)とプロパガンダ(情報戦、心理戦、宣伝戦、世論誘導)とカトリック教会の布教聖省(Congregatio de Propaganda Fide、現在の福音宣教省、ラテン語の propagare、繁殖させる、種をまく)などの研究と現代の社会構造とラジオ放送の関連性の研究を発表しました。